Our Code of Ethics

High ethical standards and values guide our behavior, efforts and attitudes in all of our endeavors at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. The long standing tone set at the top is to do the right thing for the right reasons. Our “Code of Ethics” requires an unwavering adherence to high ethical standards and is comprised of the following principles:


We will maintain high standards of personal conduct, practicing honesty in all of our relationships and endeavors. We will be truthful in our actions and words. Our decisions and deeds are based on the greater good of UNC Greensboro and not personal advantage. We will avoid conflicts of interest and use fairness, impartiality and objectivity to guide our decisions. We will exercise prudence in transacting business and professional care in safeguarding UNC Greensboro’s resources.


We will treat all those with whom we work, serve or otherwise interact with consideration, compassion, civility, and respect. We will actively strive to merit the respect, trust, and confidence of those within the UNC Greensboro community, the University of North Carolina System, federal and state agencies, others with whom we conduct business or provide services, and the public.

Reliability & Accountability

We will carry out all of our work functions in an appropriate, consistent and timely manner, so that expectations are met. We are accountable for our work and service to be responsive, complete, accurate, and timely in all material respects.


We will be trustworthy with confidential information, but mindful of disclosure obligations including public information and our commitment to transparency.


We will exercise due professional care in the performance of every aspect of our work. While at work, we will devote our time, abilities and energies to our UNC Greensboro responsibilities and duties and strive for the highest level of performance. We will uphold the letter and spirit of the laws, rules, regulations, and policies that govern the University in all matters of significance.


We will continually strive to perform our responsibilities with excellence as a goal and enhance our job­ related skills in order to provide the best performance and services within the constraints of the governing authorities and available resources. We will seek out and participate in learning opportunities in order to maintain as well as enhance our competencies.

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